Instructor: Andrew Carlisle
This introductory course will help you build a strong foundation for employment in the landscape and turf management field. It is also a class for a homeowner interested in landscaping their own yard. Learn basic plant & soil knowledge, site specific design and care, basic pruning and turf management training. We will provide an opportunity for students to meet landscaping/turf management employers in the area.
Andrew Carlisle has over 20 years of experience as a turf and grounds manager. He is currently a director of Grounds at a private boarding school. A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, Andrew specialized in Urban Horticulture and Turf Grass Management. If you are interested in a career in this field, or interested in improving your home’s turf and plants, this class is for you.
Curriculum for this class:
Week1 – Landscape/turf intro, through the seasons, basic plant biology
Week 2 – Soils & Plant Biology
Week 3 – Landscape Management and Care
Week 4 – Turf Management and Care (lawns and lansdcape)
Week 5 – Walk about to see specific design and care examples
Week 6 – Walk about to see specific pruning examples
Week 7- Walk about to see specific turf management examples
Week 8 – Meet with industry employers, if you are interested in employment in the field.
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